Termin buchenDoctolib

Clinical Observership (Visit)

for students, doctors and researchers

Required Application Documents

  • Letter of application (in German or English) marked “Clinical Observership”
  • Curriculum vitae (in German or English)
  • Certificate of language ability in English and German of at least level B2
  • Copy of passport
  • Letter of reference from your hospital or university
  • Proof of health insurance for the time of the visit
  • Licence to practise medicine or other professional permit if available (not a condition)
  • Declaration that you will fund your visit yourself.

Clinical observer Luize

Luize from Latvia completed a two-month clinical observership at the Department for Congenital Heart Disease − Pediatric Cardiology. Why she decided to visit the DHZB and what her typical working day looks like, she explains in an interview.

Read more

Gain Practical Experience at our Institution

For doctors, researchers and students in the last term of their medical studies we offer the opportunity to visit our institution as clinical observers. During your stay you can learn how our work is organized and gain practical experience.

Since our visitors do not work as doctors, no licence to practise medicine, professional permit or work permit is required. A clinical observership (visit) at the DHZB lasts up to 3 months and is unpaid.

Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery

Our Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery offers 2 visits for clinical observers. These last a maximum of 2 months, in rotation on the wards and in the operating room.


Clinical observerships (visits), 2024 - No free dates!












Do you have questions? Are you interested in a clinical observership (visit) at our institution? Then please contact us.

E-Mail: serap.bulut@dhzc-charite.de

Internal Medicine Cardiology

Our Department of Internal Medicine - Cardiology offers 2 visits for clinical observers. These last a maximum of 2 months.
The diagram below shows when a placement is available (green).

Information Concerning Medical Assessment of Guests



Clinical observerships (visits), 2024












Do you have questions? Are you interested in a clinical observership (visit) at our institution? Then please contact us.

E-Mail: SekretariatKardiologie@dhzc-charite.de

Congenital Heart Disease – Pediatric Cardiology

Are you interested in a clinical observership (visit) in our Department of Congenital Heart Disease – Pediatric Cardiology. Then please contact us.

Email: kinderkardiologie@dhzc-charite.de

Congenital Heart Surgery – Pediatric Heart Surgery

Are you interested in a clinical observership (visit) in our Department of Congenital Heart Surgery – Pediatric Heart Surgery? Then please contact us.

Email: kinderherzchirurgie@dhzc-charite.de

Cardiovascular Perfusion

As a perfusionist you can spend the first two weeks of a month as a clinical observer (visitor) in our operating rooms. A visit as a perfusionist lasts maximally 2 weeks.

Are you interested in a clincal observership (visit) at our institution as a perfusionist? Then please contact us.

Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin
Andreas Matschke
Augustenburger Platz 1
13353 Berlin
E-Mail: matschke@dhzc-charite.de 


The Clinic for Cardioanaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine. offers board certified anesthetists (ideally with experience in cardioanesthesia) the opportunity to be a clinical observer (visitor) for a maximum of 2 weeks every month. If you send an enquiry, please attach the required documents and take into account the available time slots shown below:


Clinical observerhips (visits) 2024










Are you interested in a clinical observership (visit) in our Clinic for Cardioanaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine.?
Then please contact us.
E-mail: caisekretariat@dhzc-charite.de

Information for International Applicants

If you are selected for a clinical observership (visit) we will send you a letter of invitation. You will need this to apply to the German embassy in your country for a visa and/or a stay permit for the Federal Republic of Germany. EU citizens do not need a visa or a certificate of freedom of residency.

You will find further information on the internet (in German):
