It doesn't matter whether you are still in training and completing a practical placement at the DHZB, whether you start working for us as a health and nursing nurse after passing your exam, or whether you join our team as an experienced nurse: We want to make your training and familiarization as pleasant and effective as possible.

No, we don't want to promise you the blue sky here: We also have emergencies and personnel bottlenecks, so that in individual cases there is less time left than planned for intensive support of trainees or job starters.

But nobody is thrown into the deep end here. Because we know: Cardiac medicine at the highest level needs top care. They are the future of care at the DHZB. And that's why we take your training and induction very, very seriously - even if we like to be happy!  

Respect - yes. Fear - no! Training on the intensive care unit for children

A few days of young infants with severe congenital heart defects, immediately after many hours of highly complex heart surgery: Pediatric intensive care at the DHZB in one of the world's leading children's heart centers sets the highest standards.

You are fascinated, but don't dare to take on this challenge as a beginner?

We understand that very well. For this reason, we have developed an induction concept especially for the area of intensive child care that introduces graduates of the nursing school to this area individually, carefully and personally.

The concept has a modular structure, i.e. it comprises individual blocks of theory and practice that can be put together according to the previous knowledge of the new colleagues.